There is no doubt Málaga’s Airport is one of the most crowded airports in Spain. We are sure most of us have stopped just once at least to see one of that nice advertising, just reading some indications or getting entertained watching a video…

Advierte works and develops advertising strategies and contents adding creativity due to so many years of experience. Advertising at the airports and precisely in Málaga there is no doubt there is a possibility to reach thousands of people in such a short time period.

Outdoor Advertising Agency like Advierte offers a wide range of advertising formats according to your Budget and goals depending on every client. Through the Advierte website you can visit the Airport Signpost area to check every format, size, location and every picture is full detailed in that area.

2×5 metres columns, double face, rotative Oppis 1,20 x 1,75 m in several locations: Terminal 3, Check In zone, Muelles C and B…

Video Wall is another option. It is a wide size format, 6×3 metres, with a big impact is perfect o get attention on anyone as video is published perfectly. If you go to Luggage PickUp, Muelle D, video Walls Project your Brand in a 10 seconds spots each.

There are some other projectors up to 3,55×2 metres located in Terminal 3, Luggage Pick Up with 4 different advertising spaces 10 seconds time each.

Every format is at your hand now. Just check the whole information here:

However, it is essential to design a good strategy and programme everything in order to be as professionals as posible. Contact Advierte and we will plan together that campaign your brand needs to be known:

We are at C/ Fragua 1, Phone Number +34 610 748 081 or send us an email to